Vibrant Purple Bouquet


OurVibrant Purple Bouquet is sure to turn heads with its explosion of vibrant purple and hot pink colours. There’s no comparison to the stunning array of gerberas, miniature carnations, spray roses, button poms, and stock. These brilliant blooms are complemented by salal (leaves) and are crafted in a vibrant purple glass vase.

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Add a Cuddly Plush Bear, a Box of Chocolate and/or Mylar Balloons.

Substitution Policy:

In some instances, the photos in our website may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated. Although the actual bouquet may not precisely match the photo, its temperament will. Occasionally, substitutions of flowers or containers happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions which may affect availability. If this is the case with the gift you’ve selected, our designers will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.